
*If you want to activate the muscles in your upper body

Suspension training is a new form of fitness training using "suspension trainers" or a system of ropes and webbing attached to a stable anchor point. Suspension training develops strength, stability and endurance since you use body weight and gravity as you perform the exercises. Aside from sculpting the body, suspension exercises develop balance, flexibility and mobility. This method of strength training is also suitable for individuals in whatever fitness or training level since the degree of difficulty and intensity can be adjusted by a simple change in body position or adjusting the angle at which the exercise is performed.

Suspension training is a new form of functional training that uses three planes of motion - sagittal, frontal and transverse. This results in giving the body a balanced workout without adding bulk. The closest relative of this fairly new fitness regimen is gymnastics.

Aside from benefits suspension training gives to your physique, it's also a highly versatile and portable piece of equipment that you can take with you wherever you go. Besides, you can always use it to maximize your other exercise routines like push ups or chest flys. In order to make your suspension training routine more effective, here are a few tips:

*Invest in a good set of suspension straps and webbing. It should be durable and safe since any fall due to inferior ropes is highly dangerous.

*Make sure that your anchor point is solid and secure. Door jambs, exposed beams and trees (makes sure you choose thick, sturdy branches) about 7 feet from the ground should work well for this.

*If you feel that an exercise is too difficult, move your center of gravity closer to the vertical line under the anchor point. Put your feet apart to widen your support base. If it's too easy, keep your feet together to make your support base smaller and move your center of gravity away from the vertical line.

*You have to use your core or the muscles closest to your spine to gain stability during the workout. Using other muscles is not appropriate and might cause injury.

*When using the suspension straps to do squats, ensure that your hips are kept back and really pop them on the way up. If you have knee trouble, use your glutes or minimize your range of motion!

*Bridge your glutes to minimize quadriceps activation. But you need a very stable core for this exercise.

*To keep upper body exercises manageable, stand at 90 degrees while holding the suspension traps.

*To develop core strength, do exercises like the suspended body saw (both feet on the suspension straps, elbows on the floor) and the suspended pendulum (both feet the suspension straps, hands on the floor guiding your body as it "swings" in a pendulum). Both exercises are highly demanding, so do it with a trainer so you get your form right and you do it safely.

*If you want to activate the muscles in your upper body, do chest presses on the suspension straps.

Before you go, check out this TRX Suspension Trainer review and this article about a TRX coupon code.

